ELINA - Energi- och klimatoptimala godstransporter ur ett nationellt systemperspektiv
项目名称: ELINA - Energi- och klimatoptimala godstransporter ur ett nationellt systemperspektiv
摘要: Efficient climate and energy politics is necessary to reach goals of energy efficiency in the transport sector. Good evaluation methods are crucial to make the right decisions of new policies. Existing models for system studies of freight transport are based on cost-minimization principles, i.e. the Swedish model Samgods. There are methods for evaluation of energy efficiency for specific transports from an origin to a destination. There are no models for optimizing and analyzing goods flows from a transport systems perspective. The main objective of this project is to develop such tool by integrating energy calculations with the Samgods model. In this project, the maximum potential of more efficient goods transports is quantified and goods flows are analysed for different scenarios. The results of the project are a new method for energy and CO2 calculation, and new knowledge of the potential and measures and policy recommendations for realization of these potentials.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Energimyndigheten
项目负责人: Karlsson, Jenny
执行机构: Statens v�g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
开始时间: 20161201
预计完成日期: 20191001
实际结束时间: 0