�verf�ring av godstransporter till sj�fart i M�lardalen
项目名称: �verf�ring av godstransporter till sj�fart i M�lardalen
摘要: The objective ofthe project is to develop a regional freight transport mode choice model which models the demand for waterway as well as other competitive modes. truck and train for M�lardalen region in Sweden. With the use of the model we are able to forecast the transport demand for waterways in M�laren for some developed scenarios, based on the analysis of future demand for freight transport and potential future supply of waterways in M�laren. Then the energy consumption, external cost and the socioeconomic benefits will be assessed for scenarios including and not including waterways. The socioeconomic benefit includes societal costs of emissions, hence it provides as a subset an assessment of whether an increased use of waterways benefits a sustainable society. The results will provide quantitative evidence for the market for waterway freight transport and its contribution to sustainable transport and socio-economic benefit. This study for M�ladalen region will also serve as an illustration of future freight transport development by making good use of natural waterways.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Persson, Christer
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20160901
预计完成日期: 20170630
实际结束时间: 0