Utv�rdering av m�jligheten att �teranv�nda lera med inneh�ll av kalk och cement
项目名称: Utv�rdering av m�jligheten att �teranv�nda lera med inneh�ll av kalk och cement
摘要: The purpose of this project is to evaluate the possibility of reuse of clay containing lime and cement when overlaying old landfills without affecting surrounding areas. To assess this samples of clay containing lime and cement will be analyzed concerning chemical composition and leaching capacity to evaluate the risk of negative effect on the environment. Samples will be collected from an area within the project Marieholmsf�rbindelsen. Several random samples will be combined into cluster samples. To fulfill this 30 � 40 sampling pits will be dug using an excavator. Some of the sampling pits will only be evaluated visually. 30 � 40 cluster samples will be analyzed by an accredited laboratory. The results constitute the ground for assessing the risk of reuse of clay containing lime and cement concerning the effects on surrounding areas.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Hartmann, Hanna
执行机构: Structor Milj� V�st AB
开始时间: 20160901
预计完成日期: 20170301
实际结束时间: 0