Temperaturreducerande metoder f�r att undvika �vertemperatur vid asfalttillverkning
项目名称: Temperaturreducerande metoder f�r att undvika �vertemperatur vid asfalttillverkning
摘要: Producing asphalt is a carbon-producing activities in which stone material is heated in a drum before it is mixed with a heated binder in a mixer to form the asphalt which was later posted on our roads and streets. When cold recycled asphalt granulate is added in the mixer so the rock material need be heated to even higher temperatures to compensate for the cold granulate. How large temperature compensation required varies depending on the asphalt, moisture in the granules, the proportion of granules interference and mixing. To ensure correct temperature of the finished asphalt mixture that occurs higher temperature of the rock material than is good for the asphalt plant and involved bitumen. Although reclaimed asphalt preheated in so-called parallel drum needed additional heat from the superheated rock. Over temperature required for lots of reclaimed asphalt should be well mixed but also because they are perceived as difficult understood, especially when compounded by large amounts. Other reasons to high temperature is the involvement of polymers that give stiff and difficult to handle lots and storage of asphalt for a long time in processing. The problem has reached such proportions that must be remedied. The consequences are otherwise shortened lifetime of coatings, unnecessary loading of the external environment (CO2) and deteriorated working environment.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Kalfas, Filippos
执行机构: Svevia AB
开始时间: 20160701
预计完成日期: 20170630
实际结束时间: 0