Sp�rfaktorn i transportmodeller: estimering av den generella reskostnadsskillnaden mellan olika kollektiva f�rdmedel
项目名称: Sp�rfaktorn i transportmodeller: estimering av den generella reskostnadsskillnaden mellan olika kollektiva f�rdmedel
摘要: In large-scale transport models, the public transport mode is often represented just as one mode, with no explicit difference made as to whether the trip is made by bus, metro, tram or a combination of these. In other words, the attractiveness of public transport options are implicitly assumed to be reflected by travel cost, travel times, number of interchanges and so on � not whether the trip is made by bus or metro, for example. However, this assumption is often questioned. Current plans for vast metro investments have made this an even more pressing issue. Accurate predictions of passenger flows matter in several ways, such as choosing service frequencies and capacities (which determines purchases of rolling stock etc.). CBAs need not only accurate demand forecasts, but also accurate estimates of generalized travel costs. In addition, property developers (and others) claim that a metro will increase the land values over and above what is expected from the accessibility increase messured in the transport systmen (by a transport model). According to theory, however, benefits achieved from a transport projects in the transport sector are identical to the benefits arising on the land market. The value of an improvement in the transport sector is thus directly transferred to the land market according to theory (Jara-Dias (1986) and Martinez and Araya (1998) show that the equivalence holds under perfect competition and perfect markets). If land values indeed do increase more than what is expected from the accessibility increase in the transport model, this is a clear sign that the travellers do value the generalized cost of travelling with a metro lower than the generalized cost of travelling with a buses. This project is the first step towards exploring this issue, using large-scale model estimation methods. We will not only explore whether the generalized cost of trips with metro and buses differ, but also how they differ with regard to the different travel time components (access/regress, wating time, in-vehicle time). A by-product of the project is giving a new PhD student the opportunity to learn methodology for large-scale transport model estimation.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: B�rjesson, Maria
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20160301
预计完成日期: 20170331
实际结束时间: 0