Best�mning av jords egenskaper och b�rf�rm�ga via dynamiska m�tningar
项目名称: Best�mning av jords egenskaper och b�rf�rm�ga via dynamiska m�tningar
摘要: The purpose of the project "Identification of Changes of soil properties and bearing behaviour by interpretation of dynamic measurements" is to make efficient use of existing and easily to establish new data to identify subsoil boundary conditions and the respective changes during and due to ongoing cyclic loadings. The interpretation of data used in time domain to detect deficiencies in tracks and ballast for decision making for further repair can also be analysed in the frequency domain. Thus Eigenfrequencies (EF) of ballast as well as surface near subsoil layers can be identified for the whole range of the railway. Changes in EF will allow identifying deterioration and/or densification as well as revealing critical areas of bearing behaviour of the whole system when boundary conditions of loading e.g. axe load or velocities as well as climatic conditions (freezing, thawing) are changed. The study will first focus on a known sample area before being extended to larger units and will be proposed to be implemented in the regular control scheme of tracks.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Laue, Jan
执行机构: Lule� tekniska universitet
开始时间: 20160201
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 0