Avancerad bed�mning av svetsade broar avseende utmattning och spr�dbrott - inspektion och �terst�ende livsl�ngd
项目名称: Avancerad bed�mning av svetsade broar avseende utmattning och spr�dbrott - inspektion och �terst�ende livsl�ngd
摘要: In this proposal, a need for action towards improved condition assessment of welded steel bridges is shown. The project is considered a continuation of previous research efforts in the field and aims at providing robust methodology applicable when concerns about bridge failures originating from brittle fracture or fatigue cracking by providing an improved structural assessment methodology for this type of bridges. Proposition of relevant material tests and NDT procedures based on complexity level of assessment, Input data �comprising both load and resistance side data specific to advanced fracture mechanics-based analysis of welded details� will also be provided. The methodology will be applied and evaluated on a real case study, the G�ta�lv bridge. The importance of this bridge as a vital part of the transportation network in Gothenburg, and the current concerns about the integrity of the bridge and some of its components give an exceptional opportunity to examine, revise, and optimize the methodology to be produced in this project through its application to the case study bridge which its of high local and national interest.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Kliger, Robert
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska h�gskola AB
开始时间: 20150925
预计完成日期: 20161231
实际结束时间: 0