Bed�mning av �kade deformationer i terrass och geotekniska konstruktioner vid �kade bruttovikter
项目名称: Bed�mning av �kade deformationer i terrass och geotekniska konstruktioner vid �kade bruttovikter
摘要: In light of the increase to 74 tonnes maximum gross weight of vehicles on the roads and a likely development towards even higher loads have deformations and damage in subgrade and geotechnical structures been identified as a problem. Deformation of the subgrade and geotechnical structures can lead to very high costs in the future for maintenance and rehabilitation. The high costs associated with the cause of damage is found deep in the road structure and requires extensive measures. The reason that 74 tons is considered as a risk is that the proportion of triple-bogie (max 24 tons) will increase on the road network. This means that the number of individual axle loads decrease but deep down in the subgrade the stresses are superimposed so that they can exceed those permitted for the driving axle (11.5 tons). It should be noted that the Swedish road network consists largely of roads built for completely different loads than what currently exists. Today, there is a lack of knowledge about how the stresses are distributed in detail deep in the road construction because of multiple axles, especially considering the time-dependent and non-linear responses of asphalt and granular road materials. The aim of the project is to assess how great the risk of damage caused by vehicles of 74 tonnes according to the current regulations, and highlight how different axle configurations may affect, which can be the basis for regulation of vehicle configurations and access roads. The aim of the part of the project carried out by VTI is to create an understanding of how different axle configurations affect the pavement damage linked to the subgrade and geotechnical structures. The goal of the Trafikverket work is to conduct impact assessments on the impact on the road network.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Erlingsson, Sigurdur
执行机构: Statens v�g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
开始时间: 20160323
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0