Provning av stabiliserad jord med geofysiska metoder
项目名称: Provning av stabiliserad jord med geofysiska metoder
摘要: Seismic methods are being developed for assessment of properties in binder stabilized soil, which is facilitated by measurements of shear- and/or compression wave velocities in this type of material. Empirical relations are required to enable evaluation of engineering parameters such as moduli and shear strength from the measured wave velocities. Furthermore, there is a need for measuring methods adapted to stabilized soils both in the laboratory and in the field. The project encompasses both field and laboratory investigations. Seismic laboratory tests will be combined with more traditional geotechnical investigations and the relations between shear wave velocities, stress conditions, strength parameters and moduli will be evaluated. The field investigations will be performed using seismic CPTs, traditional tests on stabilised soil columns and sampling. The same type of correlations as in the laboratory tests will be studied. The final report is intended to comprise recommendations for suitable test equipment, test performance and evaluation at investigations in field and laboratory. The project is intended to contribute to more cost effective and reliable methods for quality control of soil stabilization. The result is also intended to enable a better utilization of stabilized soil columns as the reliability of the controlled properties is expected to increase
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Andersson, Mattias
执行机构: Statens geotekniska institut
开始时间: 20150301
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0