原文传递 De Gamle er Eldst. Evaluering av Seniorordningen i AS oslo Sporveier (Evaluation of the Senior Employee Trial Scheme in AS Oslo Sporveier).
题名: De Gamle er Eldst. Evaluering av Seniorordningen i AS oslo Sporveier (Evaluation of the Senior Employee Trial Scheme in AS Oslo Sporveier).
作者: Hagen-T.
关键词: *Personnel-management; *Public-transportation; *Elderly-persons.;Work-environment; Productivity-; Quality-of-life; Project-management; Performance-evaluation; Human-resources; Achievement-; Employees-; Norway-.
摘要: The major public transport operator in Oslo, has carried out a project where a group of senior employees worked less, in order to lessen their amount of sick days. These employees had originally more sick days than the average employee, caused by serious health problems. The report shows results from the project. The authors report results on goal achievement, the participants' views on the project and how the project has affected the participants' quality of life. The project is considered successful because of a high level of goal achievement, and because participants report a better quality of life as a results of the project. The public transport operator is also given credit for designing a well balanced project when it comes to the needs of their employees.
报告类型: 科技报告