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原文传递 Integrated Transport Planning for Small Island Developing State:A Case Study on Suva City,Fiji
论文题名: Integrated Transport Planning for Small Island Developing State:A Case Study on Suva City,Fiji
关键词: 小岛屿;发展中国家;交通规划
  Transportation system of Suva City, the capital city of Fiji is under challenge of managing the growing numbers of private cars, highly competitive modes of public transport and rising costs.An average family directs 15% of their income to transportation.Bus is the main mode of transportation for middle and low income earners.Traditional bus systems, which provide fixed route service, fixed schedule and un-coordinated services through many to one operational service characterize the bus system in Fiji.Over the past decade, major urban centers have experienced continued spatial redistribution of commercial activities and population growth which have impacted the mobility patterns, shifting to multiple origins to multiple destinations.Therefore a mismatch between traditional bus services and spatial redistribution of activities exists.This paper approaches this issue in a case study conducted on two bus routes in the city of Suva, Fiji.The overall direction is the introduction of integrated transport planning for a small island developing country specifically focusing on bus services operating in the area of study by way of an inductive approach.A stated preference survey was undertaken to gauge commuter preferences regarding key bus service attributes such as travel time, bus fare, bus stops and transfers.The concluding section highlight improvements to the current system to provide an efficient bus system.
  Key Words: Integrated Transport Planning; Small Island Developing States; Fiji Islands; Public Transportation; Bus Service
作者: Peni KikauKomaninavoka
专业: 交通运输规划与管理
导师: 王仲
授予学位: 硕士
授予学位单位: 大连理工大学
学位年度: 2015
正文语种: 中文