摘要: |
The use of ignition interlock devices as sanctions for driving under the influence (DUI) offenders is widely-used, with much success at reducing DUI recidivism while the interlock is installed. Unfortunately, this effect is not long-lasting, with recidivism rates returning to baseline after the interlock is removed. A promising new approach to standard interlock sanctions is the addition of interlock data-informed counseling, in which offenders’ interlock data is used in some manner to inform treatment. Preliminary indications for interlock data-informed counseling programs appear promising; however, there is much about their effects that is unknown. For this reason, the current project aims to examine the short- and long-term effects of these programs on DUI recidivism, particularly as they compare to standard interlock sanctions. Learning more about the effects of interlock data-informed counseling will be useful to States and local jurisdictions in determining program funding for prevention approaches aimed at reducing driving while intoxicated (DWI) recidivism. |