Logistiska konsekvenser av konflikten i G�teborgs containerhamn
项目名称: Logistiska konsekvenser av konflikten i G�teborgs containerhamn
摘要: The labour market conflict in APM Terminals in Port of Gothenburg has led to a large reduction in volumes handled in the port. However, the consequences within the supply chain are much more severe and multiple large companies across the country stress the negative implications in terms of increased cost as well as problems of sending/receiving goods on time, which in the long run threatens the competitiveness of the Swedish export industry. The reporting in media is predominately from companies affected in different ways. This prompts a need for an unbiased investigation, performed by a third-party organisation, to systematically assess the consequences of the port conflicts from a national perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to investigate (1) which actors have been affected, (2) how they have been affected, (3) which measures they have taken and can take to mitigate the consequences and (4) indicate the aggregated logistics effects in terms of altered flows of goods, modal choice, costs and external effects. The project will not address the labour market conflict itself, rather in an unbiased way address the consequences of the conflict and how problems that have arised have been addressed at different stages throughout the conflict.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Woxenius, Johan
执行机构: G�teborgs universitet
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20191001
实际结束时间: 0