摘要: |
There are currently major gaps in the knowledge chain: hull and structural design � operational conditions� sea loads and seakeeping � working conditions and ergonomics. Increased knowledge about the load situation, improved methods of analysis and aboard-based systems for real-time monitoring of operational conditions and for decision support, can improve maritime safety and reduce or eliminate the risks of crew injuries and damage to the hull and subsystems. When high speed and/or the ability to operate in rough seas are part of the vessel system functionality, the interaction between the crew's working conditions and the vessel's structural strength is critical for system performance. Reports are common on conditions that impair manual as well as intellectual work (e.g. decision making). Symptoms are tiredness and headache but also acute injuries (e.g. prolapsed disc). After a few years in HSC-service repetitive stress injuries are common. The damage is primarily back injuries attributed to shock and vibration. The project are summarized by its aims for: knowledge and method development on assessing how working conditions, especially whole body vibrations and motions, influence comfort, working ability, decisions and the risk for adverse health effects in long and short term; development of methods and design tools for stringent requirement specification with respect to crew working conditions, the ship itself, and equipment or components in design or procurement of ship systems; development of methods for determining the operational profile for both crew working conditions and hull loading, addressing for instance limiting conditions at which the crew can perform their tasks and to what degree the hull and equipment are loaded during operation; surveying and assessment of the risks for reduced performance capability due to whole body vibrations, shock and severe motions resulting from rough sea transit; assessing the long term (years) health effects due to whole body vibration and shock and to what degree preparedness, physical training, periods of rest etc. influences the risks; dDevelopment of standard, regulations and work routines; development of methods and design-tools for suspension seat design, vibration. |