"Artrik energiproduktion" - Energiproduktion fr�n biomassa och �kad biologisk m�ngfald inom v�g- och j�rnv�gsomr�det
项目名称: "Artrik energiproduktion" - Energiproduktion fr�n biomassa och �kad biologisk m�ngfald inom v�g- och j�rnv�gsomr�det
摘要: The project purpose is two-fold firstly, it is about creating new opportunities for energy production and secondly, it is about increasing biodiversity. By combining these objectives opportunities are created that are harder to get to if you see it as two separate objectives. A win-win situation that should be used. The project will result in a report which, if appropriate, also given suggestions on the continuation in a pilot project.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Emilsson, Tobias
执行机构: SLU Sveriges lantbruksuniverstitet
开始时间: 20160509
预计完成日期: 20161231
实际结束时间: 0