Packning av bank f�r h�ghastighetsj�rnv�g vid varierade grundl�ggningsf�rh�llanden
项目名称: Packning av bank f�r h�ghastighetsj�rnv�g vid varierade grundl�ggningsf�rh�llanden
摘要: During construction of embankments for high-speed railway, it is crucial to obtain sufficient stiffness and degree of compaction. This will imply high demands on the material and execution procedure, especially in areas containing soft soil deposits as soft subsoil significantly affects compaction. It is unknown to what extent the stiffness of piles has an effect. Thus, field trials are necessary to find a procedure in which maximum degree of compaction can be obtained. The aim of this project is to develop a compaction procedure that will ensure that embankments for high-speed railways will obtain a sufficiently high degree of compaction to meet the demands on stiffness, degradation, settlements and vibrations. The project is continuation of an ongoing PhD project in which frequency control of the roller is studied. Full-scale tests have shown that a greater compaction effect can be obtained with less energy consumption by adjusting the vibration frequency of the roller. Compaction can be optimized by a careful choice of roller, material and compaction procedure and by frequency control of the roller oscillator. By gathering information from various sources and, most importantly, field trials, recommendations for practical execution of the compaction process will be developed. The results from the project are expected to give guidance on what degree of compaction can be obtained in the field and how this will be accomplished and verified.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Wers�ll, Carl
执行机构: Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan, KTH
开始时间: 20160201
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0