Sambanden mellan livsstil, urban morfologi och resebeteende
项目名称: Sambanden mellan livsstil, urban morfologi och resebeteende
摘要: Urban morphology has been put forward as a device in achieving sustainability. In the Stockholm region transport accounts for a substantial part of the green house gases. In contemporary planning documents spatial goals regarding a mixed urban environment, urban density, etc. are emphasized in order to decrease transports and promote walking, cycling and public transport modes. Contemporary urban research expose insufficient explanatory value regarding the relation between travel behaviour (mode and length) and urban morphology. In a socially and economically specialized metropolitan region as Stockholm urban design on neighbourhood level might have a minor influence on travel behaviour. The influence of life style is unknown. The intentions are here to, 1, analyse the relationship between travel behaviour, lifestyle attitudes, socio-economic characteristics and urban morphology, 2, analyse urban morphology with respect to the conditions for sustainable travel behaviour, and 3, clarify potentials for urban morphological changes in order to support sustainable travel behaviour. The study area is Stockholm County. Lifestyle, urban morphology and travel behaviour are in focus. Methods to be used are interviews, questionnaire, spatial analysis and regression analysis. Results will be present in form of explanatory factors�degree of influence on travel behaviour. These results will contribute to formulate future guidelines for a sustainable urban morphology.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Adolphson, Marcus
执行机构: Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan, KTH
开始时间: 20151201
预计完成日期: 20181230
实际结束时间: 0