Utveckling av akt�rssamverkan kopplat till trafikstrategier
项目名称: Utveckling av akt�rssamverkan kopplat till trafikstrategier
摘要: This project will develop a model of cooperation between the public/private stakeholders and highlight potential conflicts of interest and create common goals to work towards. It is a strategic initiative that will create a knowledge base for the new demands that todays cities need to face, from a sustainable ecological, social and economic perspective. This project involves collecting research, theory and empiricism. These, when combined, will generate a new and improved toolkit for urban development and a unified model of cooperation for sustainable attractive towns from a more holistic perspective. Matters regarding transportation and urban planning are becoming increasingly more important, as the urbanization continues and new habits and behaviors of residents emerge. Therefore, a deeper knowledge of the effects of an active transport strategy in the cities is needed. Today the various stakeholders in the cities have little to no knowledge about the impact a transport strategy can have on urban development. Swedish Town centers Organization wants, together with Swedish Transport Administraion and other stakeholders, to develop and find a common model of cooperation and a platform for collaboration on these issues.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Bergman, Bj�rn
执行机构: Svenska Stadsk�rnor AB
开始时间: 20150901
预计完成日期: 20170831
实际结束时间: 0