Frostskador och kloridintr�ngning i betong efter f�ltexponering i t�saltad v�gmilj� under l�ng tid. F�ltprovning efter 20 �r vid RV40
项目名称: Frostskador och kloridintr�ngning i betong efter f�ltexponering i t�saltad v�gmilj� under l�ng tid. F�ltprovning efter 20 �r vid RV40
摘要: Freeze/thaw damages and chloride induced corrosion of reinforcement are the two main challenges when estimating the technical service life of concrete structures exposed to de-icing salt environment. Models for service life estimations are based on internal transport of moisture and chloride. National research in degradation mechanics such as frost scaling, internal frost damages and chloride induced corrosion of reinforcement is in the international front but there is still a lack of knowledge to apply the research results in practical application of service life prediction, which is of great interest for the Swedish Transport Administration in the design and production phase of concrete structures. The purpose of the project is to collect results from concrete test specimens long-termly exposed to a real de-iceing salt environment and to implement the results for further development of models for service life prediction of concrete bridges and structures. The work will improve understanding and enable quantification of the physical and chemical degradation processes and the real environment conditions along roads which are de-ice salted. Since 1996 a large number of test specimens of different types of concrete and binder mixtures have been exposed to real road conditions at the field exposure site by the highway RV40. Now it is necessary to execute a thorough study of the specimens. The results are of great interest when formulating national requirements and regulations regarding future concrete properties and mixtures for constructions exposed to freeze/thaw and chlorides.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Luping, Tang
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska h�gskola AB
开始时间: 20150612
预计完成日期: 20180630
实际结束时间: 0