Flyget och n�ringslivsstrukturen
项目名称: Flyget och n�ringslivsstrukturen
摘要: Summary of the project Air transport availability and the structure of industry. The aim of the project is to analyze the connection between air transport and the development of the Swedish industry structure. Main research questions are 1. What is the importance of air transport availability for Swedish industry? 2. What industries are most dependent on air transport? 3. Does company production and export/import pattern correlate with airline traffic? 4. How important is it that there are many direct flights abroad? An important question is whether air transport availability has created a certain industry structure or whether it is the industry structure that has created the flight connections. This will be studied by making a so called natural experiment, using the completion of the building of the �resundsbron. The bridge provided companies in the Sk�ne region with much easier availability of international direct lines than was earlier the case. What impact did this have on the the Sk�ne companies export and import pattern? Detailed data on airline departures will be combined with data for industry and local government levels on goods and services production, export and import. The project aims to provide new knowledge that could be of use for local and regional governments and other public organizations when planning and forming their industrial policy, but also of interest for actors like airports and airlines. The project is using scientific methods, both theoretical and empirical. A reference group of companies and organizations with interest in the area has been set up. This group meets regularly to discuss drafts of the report. Academic peer review is taken care of at a seminar with researchers as commentators. A report will be printed and a public seminar will be organized.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Sandstr�m, Stefan
执行机构: SNS Studief�rundet N�ringsliv och Samh�lle
开始时间: 20150101
预计完成日期: 20151231
实际结束时间: 0