Sp�nningsreducerade brott i tunnlar och bergrum � verifiering av brottsdjup med Bonded Block Modeling
项目名称: Sp�nningsreducerade brott i tunnlar och bergrum � verifiering av brottsdjup med Bonded Block Modeling
摘要: The project begins with examining how well the new numerical modeling tool "Bonded Block Modeling", is able to simulate fracture propagation and depth around the tunnel walls of different excavation geometries. The results are verified against known criteria for brittle failure, and furthermore they are compared to earlier studies and field cases from underground facilities and mines in Northern Europe. The study continues with an implementation of the technique in a sensitivity analysis with 16 different cases, where tunnel geometry, depth, number of tunnels, orientation of major principal stress and possible support confinement are evaluated. The knowledge about brittle failures which is gained, could be used to reduce required excavation support, excavation damage zone, and also allow for more stable tunnel openings and a safer work environment.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Tengborg, Per
执行机构: Stiftelsen Bergteknisk Forskning (BeFo), Sweden
开始时间: 20170823
预计完成日期: 20190331
实际结束时间: 0